How to Contribute?

Thank you for considering contributing to AdvSecureNet. We welcome all contributions, including new features, bug fixes, and documentation improvements. To make the process seamless, we have prepared a guide for different types of contributions.

Reporting Bugs

If you find a bug in the project, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. When reporting a bug, include the following details:

  • A detailed description of the issue.

  • Steps to reproduce the issue.

  • The version of the project you are using.

  • The operating system you are running.

  • The Python version.

  • If applicable:

    • The CUDA version.

  • Any other relevant information.

An example of a good bug report would be:

Description: [Detailed description of the issue]

Steps to Reproduce:

1.  [Step one]
2.  [Step two]
3.  [Step three]

Version: [Project version]
OS: [Operating system]
Python: [Python version ]
CUDA: [CUDA version if applicable]
Other: [Any other relevant information]

Contributing Code

AdvSecureNet has two main components: the API and the CLI. You can contribute to either component. The high-level process is the same:

  1. Fork the repository.

  2. Create a new branch for your changes.

  3. Make your changes.

  4. Write tests for your changes.

  5. Run the tests.

  6. Document your changes.

  7. Submit a pull request.

  8. Stay tuned for feedback.

Code Quality Standards

To ensure code quality, follow these standards:

  • Format code using black.

  • Lint code using pylint.

  • Test code using pytest.

  • Document code using sphinx.

  • Type-check code using mypy.

  • Have your code reviewed by at least one other contributor before merging.

AdvSecureNet uses Gitflow as its branching model:

  • Develop new features in a feature branch.

  • Develop bug fixes in a hotfix branch.

  • The main branch is reserved for stable releases.

  • The develop branch is used for development.

When submitting a pull request, target the develop branch. For more information on Gitflow, refer to this guide.

Creating a New Feature

You have three options for creating a new feature:

  • A new attack

  • A new defense

  • A new evaluation metric / evaluator

Depending on the feature type and the target component (API or CLI), the process will differ. Refer to the following sections for more information.

Creating a New Attack


The advsecurenet package contains an attacks module with various submodules based on attack types (e.g., gradient-based, decision-based). If your attack does not fit into any existing submodule, feel free to create a new one. Currently, AdvSecureNet supports evasion attacks on computer vision models only. All attacks should inherit from the AdversarialAttack class, an abstract base class that defines the interface for all attacks. The AdversarialAttack class is defined in the attacks.base module. Additionally, each attack should have its own configuration class, which defines the parameters of the attack. This approach keeps the attack class clean and makes it easier to use the attack in the CLI. The configuration class should be defined in the shared.types.configs.attack_configs folder and should inherit from the AttackConfig class. The AttackConfig class, also defined in the shared.types.configs.attack_configs folder, contains the device attribute, specifying the device on which the attack should run, and a flag indicating whether the attack is targeted or untargeted.

Follow these steps to create a new attack:

  1. Create a new submodule in the attacks module.

  2. Create a class for your attack that inherits from the AdversarialAttack class.

  3. Create a configuration class for your attack that inherits from the AttackConfig class.

  4. Implement the __init__ method, accepting the configuration as an argument.

  5. Implement the attack method, taking the model, input, and target as arguments and returning the adversarial example.


from advsecurenet.attacks.base import AdversarialAttack
from advsecurenet.shared.types.configs.attack_configs import AttackConfig
from advsecurenet.models.base_model import BaseModel
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class RandomNoiseAttackConfig(AttackConfig):
    epsilon: float = field(default=0.1)

class RandomNoiseAttack(AdversarialAttack):
    def __init__(self, config: RandomNoiseAttackConfig):
        self.epsilon = config.epsilon

    def attack(self, model: BaseModel, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        noise = torch.randn_like(input) * self.epsilon
        return input + noise

Using a dataclass for the configuration class makes it easy to create instances of the class with default values. It also prevents users from passing invalid arguments to the attack. Using kw_only=True ensures that users have to pass the arguments by keyword, which makes the code more readable and less error-prone. Additionally, it facilitates the future extension of the configuration class with new parameters without breaking the existing code.


To use your attack in the CLI, follow these additional steps:

  1. Create Default YAML Configuration Files

1.1. For Adversarial Training Command:

•   Create a configuration file for the attack parameters in the `cli/configs/attacks/base` folder.
•   Create another configuration file for the attack itself (including other necessary parameters) in the cli/configs/attacks folder.

This separation makes it easier to use the attack both in the adversarial training command and as a standalone attack.

Example of a configuration file for the attack parameters:

# Description: Base configuration file for the attack parameters. Located in the cli/configs/attacks/base folder
target_parameters: !include ../shared/attack_target_config.yml # Targeted attack configs
epsilon: 0.3 # The epsilon value to be used for the FGSM attack. The higher the value, the more the perturbation

Example of a configuration file for the attack:

# Description: Configuration file for the attack. Located in the cli/configs/attacks folder

model: !include ../shared/model_config.yml
dataset: !include ./shared/attack_dataset_config.yml
dataloader: !include ../shared/dataloader_config.yml
device: !include ../shared/device_config.yml
attack_procedure: !include ./shared/attack_procedure_config.yml

# Attack Specific Configuration
attack_config: !include ./base/attack_base_config.yml

The first file contains the parameters specific to the attack, while the second file contains the parameters common to all attacks. The first file is used when another command wants to use the attack as a parameter, which means that command takes care of the essential parameters like the model, dataset, etc. The second file is used when the attack is used as a standalone command, which means that the attack command needs to configure the necessary parameters to prepare the environment for the attack and then run the attack.

  1. Create a configuration dataclass for your attack in the cli/shared/types/attack/attacks folder.

  2. Update the attack mapping in the cli/shared/utils/ file to include your attack.

  3. Finally, update the cli/commands/attack/ module to include your attack as a subcommand.

Creating a New Defense


There is no base class for defenses in AdvSecureNet. However, each defense should have its own configuration class similar to attacks. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new submodule in the defenses module.

  2. Create a configuration class for your defense.

  3. Create a class for your defense and use the configuration class you created to initialize the defense in the __init__ method.


Since there isn’t a defender module to run the defenses, unlike the attacks, you need to create the logic for the defense in the cli/logic/defense folder. To add your defense to the CLI:

  1. Create a default YAML configuration file for your defense in the cli/configs/defenses folder.

  2. Create a configuration dataclass for your defense in the cli/shared/types/defense/defenses folder.

  3. Implement the defense logic in the cli/logic/defense folder.

  4. Add the defense to the cli/commands/defense/ module.

Creating a New Evaluation Metric


Evaluation metrics are used to assess the performance of attacks, defenses or models. The advsecurenet package includes an evaluation module that contains all the evaluation metrics. Each evaluation metric should inherit from the BaseEvaluator class, an abstract base class that defines the interface for all evaluation metrics. The evaluators are context managers, allowing them to be used in a with statement to automatically clean up any resources they use. The BaseEvaluator class is defined in the evaluation.base_evaluator module.

  1. Create a new class for your evaluation metric that inherits from the BaseEvaluator class in the evaluation.evaluators folder.

  2. Implement the update method of your evaluation metric class. This method defines how the evaluation metric should be updated when a new sample is evaluated.

  3. Implement the get_results method of your evaluation metric class. This method should return the final result of the evaluation metric.

  4. If the evaluator is an adversarial evaluator, update the advsecurenet.shared.adversarial_evaluators module to include your evaluator.


Evaluation metrics are automatically available in the CLI once the API is updated. No additional steps are needed. This is because the CLI uses the attacker to run evaluation metrics, and they are not run independently.


Improving documentation is always appreciated. If you find any part of the codebase that is not well-documented or could be improved, please open a pull request with your changes. We value any help in making the documentation more comprehensive and easier to understand.